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Here’s that word you hear all the time: Branding. Does it simply mean a logo, colors and typeface? Does it simply mean it all matches, from letterhead to signage to business cards? It means these things, yes, but it means so much more. Branding is about who you are as a company, the way you do business and the way you go about it.

Branding isn’t the core of a company’s identity – that is about how you operate; you are the makers of your reputation – but it is about the representation of you to the world.

Understanding this, it’s clear the first order of business isn’t calling a graphic designer to sketch out a logo, sifting through typefaces to find a signature font or calling a print shop about letterhead. It’s about starting with some basic questions: Who are we? How do we want to be known? How do we want to express that both to our customers and all of us who represent our company to customers? Only when these questions have been answered can you proceed to the next step.

That’s cultivating a branding strategy to ensure all your materials, from your website to brochures to business cards to proposals and presentation to videos and other visuals to slogans and signage consistently communicate your message. Then you can get down to the brass tacks of systematically working that message throughout all your products.

The process is important, and for some businesses transformative. We are experts both in the business of commercial real estate marketing and crafting a branding program that presents an image of your company that accurately represents you and builds confidence inside your walls and beyond them.

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